The association that organises the Brest European Short Film Festival

Home > The Festival > Édition 2023 > Programmation


The Brest European Short Film Festival will take place from November 8 to 12, 2023. European, French and Brittany Competitions, off programs, feature-length previews and screenings for young audiences, discover the films selected for this 38th edition!

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Anaïs Bourgogne

SUISSE / 17'38 / 2022

Screenplay : Anaïs Bourgogne

Editing : Taina Lopez

Production company : Studienrichtung Video, Hochschule Luzern – Design & Kunst

Sonja, Angeles et Kaajal ont douze ans. Tantôt enfantines, tantôt étonnamment adultes, elles traversent une période de turbulences et de changements. Avec une candeur impressionnante, elles s'interrogent sur la façon dont elles sont perçues en tant que filles. Entre autoréflexion et les attentes des autres, elles tentent courageusement de trouver leur propre voie.

Sonja, Angeles and Kaajal are twelve years old. Sometimes childlike, other times astoundingly grown-up, they are going through a turbulent time full of changes. With impressive candor they question how they are perceived as girls. Between self-reflection and expectations from others, they're courageously trying to find their own paths.

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