The association that organises the Brest European Short Film Festival

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The Brest European Short Film Festival will take place from November 8 to 12, 2023. European, French and Brittany Competitions, off programs, feature-length previews and screenings for young audiences, discover the films selected for this 38th edition!

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Nour Ben Salem, Julien Menanteau


Screenplay : Nour Ben Salem, Julien Menanteau

Actors : Sama Idreesi, Kamel El Basha, Leen Saleh, Toleen Al Risheq, Mohammad Idreesi, Rakan Al Nather, Hind Hamed, Odai Hijazi, Nael Abu Ayyash, Islam Al Awad

Production company : Topshot Films, Made in Palestine Project

Maha, douze ans, fait partie de la dernière génération de réfugiés palestiniens du camp de Balata. Suite au malaise de son grand-père aveugle, elle imagine un projet fou : lui faire croire que le mur de séparation est tombé et qu’un retour sur sa terre natale est possible. En compagnie d’autres amis du camp, la jeune fille lui prépare un drôle de voyage...

Twelve-year-old Maha is one of the last generation of Palestinian refugees in the Balata camp. Following the illness of her blind grandfather, she imagines a crazy project: to make him believe that the separation wall has fallen and that a return to his native land is possible. In the company of other friends from the camp, the young girl prepares a strange journey for him...

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