The association that organises the Brest European Short Film Festival

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The Brest European Short Film Festival will take place from November 8 to 12, 2023. European, French and Brittany Competitions, off programs, feature-length previews and screenings for young audiences, discover the films selected for this 38th edition!

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Quand j'avais peur du noir

Célia Tisserant, Arnaud Demuynck

France/Belgique / 7' / 2022

Screenplay : Arnaud Demuynck

Editing : Célia Tisserant

Production company : Les Films du Nord, La Boîte,… Productions

Robert n'aime pas monter se coucher, car il pense qu’il y a des monstres dans sa chambre qui se cachent dans le noir. Sa maman laisse la lumière du couloir allumée et la porte de la chambre de Robert entrouverte. Mais cela ne marche pas, l’imagination du petit garçon l’emporte ! Heureusement qu’il peut compter sur l’aide de son nounours… Librement adapté de l’ouvrage "Quand j'avais peur du noir" de Mireille d’Allancé © Éditions l’école des loisirs - Paris, France

Robert does not like going to bed as he thinks there are monsters in his room, hiding in the dark. His mother leaves the landing light on and his door ajar. But that does not stop the little boy’s imagination from conjuring up his deepest fears! Fortunately, he has his teddy bear to help him … Freely adapted from the story "When I Was Scared of the Dark" by Mireille d’Allancé © L’école des loisirs Editions - Paris, France

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