The association that organises the Brest European Short Film Festival

Home > The Festival > Édition 2023 > Programmation


The Brest European Short Film Festival will take place from November 8 to 12, 2023. European, French and Brittany Competitions, off programs, feature-length previews and screenings for young audiences, discover the films selected for this 38th edition!

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Petit Spartacus

Little Spartacus

Sara Ganem

France / 27'50 / 2023

Screenplay : Sara Ganem

Editing : Sara Ganem

Actors : Sara Ganem, Antonis Stampolidis

Production company : Le GREC

Entre les eaux-de-vie et les blocs de l’Est, je navigue avec Spartacus, mon vélo qui parle grec. Mais même la grandeur du monde ne suffit pas à noyer ma peine.

Between Eastern blocks and cherry brandies, I'm sailing around with Spartacus, my Greek speaking bicycle. But the world is not big enough to drown my pain.

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