The association that organises the Brest European Short Film Festival

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The Brest European Short Film Festival will take place from November 8 to 12, 2023. European, French and Brittany Competitions, off programs, feature-length previews and screenings for young audiences, discover the films selected for this 38th edition!

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Nous les griots

We are griots

Demba Konate

France / 17'16 / 2023

Screenplay : Demba Konate

Image : Alan Guichaoua

Editing : Ana Agnello

Actors : Medhy Moussa Timera, Isma Kebe

Production company : Nouvelle Toile Productions

Daouda est un père de famille originaire du Sénégal. Son fils ainé Malik souhaite épouser Mariama. Une rencontre s’organise autour d’un repas. Daouda y découvre malgré lui que les familles sont de deux castes sociales différentes : lui est griot, l’autre famille est noble.

Daouda is a father from Senegal living with his family in France. His eldest son Malik wants to marry Mariama. A meeting is organized around a meal. Daouda discovers in spite of himself that the families are from two different social castes: he is a griot, the other family is noble.

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